Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bridge-Logos Foundation releases "Mary Jones and Her Bible" edited andupdated by Hollee J. Chadwick

In the year 1800, a young Welsh girl took a walk.

This was no meandering stroll during which her teenaged mind wandered and she daydreamed of boys, and clothes, and the musicians of the day.

No, young Mary Jones set out from her home at the foot of Cader Idris mountain, in Gwynedd, North Wales, in the early hours of the morning to walk 25 miles to Bala, to purchase a Welsh Bible with money she had been saving up for six years. Being from a poor family, Mary’s journey was undertaken with bare feet.

The Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala, to whose house Mary had journeyed to buy the Bible, was moved by Mary’s love and dedication in this endeavor. He told and retold the story of Mary Jones and her Bible and, in a move that would change the world, he proposed to the Council of the Religious Tract Society that they form a new society to supply Wales with Bibles. And, in 1804, the British and Foreign Bible Society was established in London.

This is the story of Mary Jones and her Bible. It is true to the original version—only better.

Through the years, Mary Jones and her Bible, penned by Mary E, Ropes in 1882, and later updated in 1919, has been read and enjoyed by millions of children. Today, the book remains on the Top 100 List of Christian and secular children's books on

The editor, Hollee J. Chadwick, has taken Ropes' original version and added commentary, footnotes, and definitions for terms not common today. Ropes' prose remains intact because this is the version that has remained on the bestseller list for generations.

Mary Jones and her Bible is included in many home-schooling curriculum, is an excellent read-aloud book, and is suitable for all ages with a reading level of Grades 4 to 8.

Mary Jones and Her Bible by Mary Ropes (edited by Hollee J. Chadwick). ISBN: 978-0-88270-061-8; TPB; 176 pages; $9.99.